Thursday, December 31, 2009

"85% Theory"

When I speak on destroy power% I suppose I put them in a ignorant light. Kind of zombie to the effect they follow knowing it's not conducive, basically they follow at there own detriment. Ignorant means illiterate also uninformed. Following the surface break down of the NGE's, 5%, 10%, 85%, most can not and will not be able to relate to civility. Being apart of the 5%, most people I come encounter with are 85%. And on most occasions, unwittingly, they'll pull you into that blind, deaf and dumb vortex. They're slaves to a mental death. 120 is Supremely relevant in all situations. In my current circumference, money is the embodiment of devil. These 85% fall victim and never hope to recover from being mentally dead. And there of Christian faith! What a fucking hoax!!! I cee people with a good heart that just doesn't possess the discipline to recover. The babies will be nurtured and given special attention. B.u.t adults on "RARE" occasions will I go above and beyond to save them with this knowledge. B.u.t for the most part adults know and startle the line of 85% and 10%. Patience is a virtue of God also knowing when your efforts fall upon deaf ears is also a virtue of the True and Living. So to conclude this blog I won't handcuff, baby or fall victim to a stubborn ass adults bullshit. To each they own. Fuck me so Fuck you too. Peace.

Monday, December 28, 2009

"Can a devil fool a 5%?"

Can a devil fool a 5%? Wisdom Power degree in the 1-36. Vigilance is a constant that must be maintained "CONSISTENTLY." I was fooled by a 85%/10% in the form of Deliha (Biblical). Fooled is what it is in it's raw form b.u.t I was really letting the relationship manifest it's self to cee if the equality would born Supreme understanding. Of course there were signs that warranted 85% and 10% tendencies b.u.t when one isn't under the paradigm of the culture of the NGE's one tends to expect such things from persons outside the culture. Still, I do the knowledge to their civility without taking it on face value. The power u played a small part in this because power u hasn't been an issue. She definitely shielded her dirty religion with the shrewdness of an expert. Was it malicious? Now cipher. A very indecisive individual she is. There's no hard feeling, we still laugh and talk, this build is just on "fooling a 5%. I would say "devil" played no part in this outcome. Devilishment (lying) showed it's face though. To gain by all means is a fine line to navigate. Patience is a mastery not learned, on a novice level, by to many. Words can be said about "mastering worlds" "God is the all knowing" which is true b.u.t showing and proving this without "hick ups" would be a lie. Experience is learning on the job. Arm Leg Leg Arm Head (Allah) is true and living in the flesh and "learning experiences" will continue to be taught as one lives. Being fooled could be malicious, a joke, naive or a sincere gesture that turn into something else. Going forward I would say God has to protect all 4 corners of the square. This we know b.u.t reiteration from time to time is paramount to stay focused. So, Can a devil fool a 5%? Not as long as the person with the said ability does the knowledge and takes the appropriate steps to ensure "victory" when unstable tendencies are exposed. Peace

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wise Words Spoken

The Internet is a powerful tool regardless what one's determined idea maybe. With that said let me build on a you tube joint I saw with some brother (don't recall the details what religion he represented) who was basically undermining my/our culture of the Gods and Earths. It was all born from the aspect of Gods and Goddesses. He keep saying we, the black man as God can not be God because we are not perfect. Furthermore if we were God , according to him, why did we let the color man dominate us throughout history. So for the most part this was his rebuttal to our culture. Obviously he was on some mystery God math. I don't cee myself as God in that mystery context. "TRUE AND LIVING" is my reality. What is greater than man? What is more supreme than man? And since more and more historians and scientist, original or color, are making knowledge born that the black man is the father of civilization, this life as we know is a direct buy product from the original man (Blackman), one way or another. We are the Supreme being. The Asiatic Blackman. If one never takes there self off that mystery God plateau, they won't have an inkling of comprehending a tablespoon of this science. Critics of the NGE wrongly compare the mystery God to the True and Living God (Blackman) and want to cee miraculous deeds done like, flying or walking on water. The born degree in the 1-40 teaches one not to take nothing on face value, and I personally haven't ceen nobody fly or walk on water. So I can't bare witness to this "miraculous" feat. God is responsible for his cipher. Everything in his universe. Once one understands the Asiatic Blackman's connection to the universe and creation, one will begin to cee, we have no begining and no ending. Always have always will be. I also understand this math isn't for everybody. To each they own. I'm not one to debate my point of view to change someone's determined idea on who and what God is. I'm more concern about civilized people. I will always do my duty as a civilized person and teach civilization b.u.t will know everybody will not adhere to this science. Enclosing, I don't pretend to fully know other beliefs and wont pass judgement on there God. I deal with my science my math. It would make me sound stupid trying to expound on other science with limited knowledge. Peace

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Victorious Culture"

Wisdom wisdom abbt Culture/Freedom. In the Supreme ABC 22 is victory and Culture/Freedom is divine. I cee this as winning as being God. Not doing this for accolades or recognition and at the same time recognizing the on going battle as being the True and living. A victory is achieved everyday whether big or small. We just need to be "aware" of this winning trend and parlay that into more successful endeavors. Also the wisdom wisdom degree speaks on "magnetic." I cee that as gravitational pull or influence. Ones magnetic could ultimately born victory if done correctly. Touching the Culture/Freedom degree from the 1-14, one should take the bullshit across the hot Arabian desert. Make the nonsense walk 2200 miles and knowledge bullshit can not outlast the Truth. The devils magnetic "binds us in" by a "rope" that makes one other then their own self and live a savage life. Recognizing the plight of devilishment an enables one to stay ahead of the proverbial curve. Staying ahead is the road to victory in one's Culture.

Friday, December 18, 2009

"Knowledge Build/Dsetroy"

Today is Knowledge Build/Destroy which I cee as simply knowing how and when to build or destroy. Doing the knowledge to a beautiful structure doesn't imply u know how to build it. For most purposes, to destroy or take away is simpler then building. Doing the knowledge should give u a keen observation and optimal timing on building a cipher (person, place or thing). Just as well, it'll show u when to take away/destroy. Example, when your dealing with a wiz and after some time shit just isn't adding up mathematically (knowledge). Maybe u cee she's 85% in sheep clothing trying to hide her dirty religion. Whatever the case, u sense tricknology. Once u conclude this to be actual fact u remove her from your cipher totally (destroy). On the flip side, u come across a wiz that is exceptional. U do the " knowledge " and after sometime u conclude she is civilized when a good heart. U add on (build) and make her more apart of your social equality. This is a concise overview of Knowledge Build/Destroy that anybody, whether from the Nation or not can understand. Peace.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"The Juggernaut"

From time to time I think to myself, dam it's some unintelligent muthafuckers in the world. However cruel it may sound this is actual facts. It's some stupid ass people out here. On a lighter note though, I did the knowledge to my thought process on the said subject to not be subjective in my assessment. My findings are, that's what makes me God and them 85%. Not to sound arrogant it's just the difference between having KOS and not having it at all. How can we (Gods and Earths) expect an average Joe to know the science of everything in life? Expecting him/her to have supreme rationality and the mental faculties to overcome life's trials and tribulations. As Gods and Earths we basically train our way of thought and life. Essentially our Culture is a work in process for constant elevation. Are we perfect? Now cipher. B.u.t I like my odds under the tutelage of knowledge wisdom cipher then your basic 85% perspective. If and when I'm dealt the proverbial curve ball I do the knowledge. I take the issue thru 120, into today's degrees and make it make sense. Maybe the answer is in the Supreme ABC? I build on it, rationalize it and continue to elevate. Until I return to the essence, I will overcome. Infinite God Allah. True and living. So when I struggle with hearing the common complaints, broke, no money, infidelity, racism, death etc, I check myself and say, I rationalize it because I have a Supreme Understanding do to KOS. God does not bend, break or fold. God does not get threw off his square due to some unforeseen circumstance. God has many attributes. Merciful, Powerful, Unwavering and many more. AS GOD WE MUST EPITOMIZE THESE ATTRIBUTES CONSTANTLY!!! God must be the consummate unmovable force. The Juggernaut if you will. Once the course is set for constant elevation, it can not be stopped. Peace.

Monday, December 14, 2009

"Original Man Acknowledged"

Yesterday I took my understanding queens to the science museum here in Love Allah. Executing my duty as teaching on the science of everything in life, we came across a new exhibit. The science of races going into detail about color people and original people (blacks, Indians, Asians, Latinos etc.) There was a lay out of the world and it specifically said," all races come from Africa." The African/black DNA trait enveloped all other races to be the dominated trait found in all other races that derived from Africa. DAM!!! Publicly displayed in a form where all can do the knowledge. The devil can only shield his dirty religion for so long. The truth is power and can not be denied! This truth we already know after getting KOS b.u.t to cee it out in the open was a statement within it's self. I cee that as progress. However small. We know the Original man is the Asiatic blackman. This doesn't change the fact that we as original people are against the odds in the wilderness of north America b.u.t once we are ceen as original/first the seed will be planted going forward for the next generation to ascend to the throne that is rightfully ours in the first place. PEACE TO THE GODS AND EARTHS!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Calm Under Pressure"

If u have a determined idea to build the fastest car in the world and u build it b.u.t never race it nor compare it to the current speed of the fastest car on record, how do u know u have the fastest car? U don't, u just "BELIEVE" u do. I said that to say, if your calm under pressure how do u really know? U can meditate on inner peace b.u.t until your confronted with hostility verbally or physically how do u know? One can do the knowledge b.u.t will need the wisdom of the situation to gage ones calmness in actual circumstances. This can occur in any cipher. Home, work, dinner, movies, anywhere. Control of ur attitude/emotions is Godly. One split second decision can cause u a life of regret. It may sound cliche b.u.t to harness the energy of anger and convert it to desired results is indeed powerful. Sometimes we have the urge to sock a niga in his fat-ass mouth b.u.t, that's easy. To control that emotion and have a Supreme understanding on the situation and have the outcome be favorable for all is true Equality. Lack of control equates to lack of discipline. How does one lack discipline and proclaim to be God? This is something not easily mastered and must be worked on continuously. We all are fine when times are good b.u.t when times get hard, this is when your true character is exposed. What do u do? Peace.

Monday, December 7, 2009

"Xmas Gifts"

At this point in Love Allah it's heavy precipitation. Which is common for this time of year. Also what is common is "robberies." More times then not, and I've been doing the knowledge to this build for sometime now, original people robs some joint. Walmart, Target, fast food spot or something to that effect gets laid down. Y u may ask? For the holidays. Especially xmas. Going all out to get them kids a gift they want and what one thinks they deserve. I cee this detrimental tend as a 85% brain child. Fuck off all year smoking and drinking, not caring about a job, finances or economy. And "BAM!!!" it's xmas and they have kids and want to give them the best so fuck it, keeping it "gangster" they provide for there kids by any means. I think nigas get the "by any means" concept misconstrued. Or they use it to pacify some devilishment one may do. Y wait to the last minute to do something for your kids? After you've spend $10,000 through the course of the year partying and bullshitting? Is that gangster? Now cipher!!! It shows u have the heart to put it down.It also shows and proves this said person is a pawn in this game of chess. U fall victim to the devils civilization. It doesn't show Supreme intelligence. For a $200 Nintendo ds, u'll sacrifice your child's upbringing without his/her father? Prioritize responsibilities and make the necessary adjustments to provide without suicide, death or incarceration. By any means necessary is the last option that should warrant such a sacrifice for u and your child/ern. Your livelihood and a father's guidance is worth much more than $200 for xmas. if u think otherwise u have the game fucked up!!! Peace

Friday, December 4, 2009

"Man of Honor"

At this point I have a difficult time believing men know how to be men. Let me elaborate. I mean the true essence of being a man. Responsible, intellectual, courteous, strong, honorable and a whole host of other characteristics that a "real man" should entail. Some possess an attribute here and there b.u.t fall short on the complete title. The "me and only me" attitude undermines a man. Y equal self it may feel this way at times b.u.t u/we should acknowledge a "feeling" and what true reality is. Yea, cut off dead weight 10%, 85% leechy muthafuckas. B.u.t for the most part we all have somebody that's going to hold us down no matter what. We can say we're men all day b.u.t when the trials and tribulations come we must maintain our stance on our square as a man. At times it's not easy and it would be easier to bend a rule on a characteristic of a man.B.u.t for us that don't, that shows maturity and our commitment to integrity as a man. Nigas don't have traditional honor. They make the rules as they go. The foundation has been laid, u don't reformat the foundation, if anything u add on. If honor and integrity is in every aspect of what one does, you'll shine on the said subject. If one up holds his birth given right as a man and elevates that to a level of divinity, THAT'S GOD!!! U can't be God and not a real man. Just because one says he's God doesn't make it true. False prophets are plentiful. Fake Gods are prevalent. And half ass men are in abundance. As Gods we should not be following what the masses are doing. We follow the trail of righteousness regardless if we're the only ones out of millions. Doing whats right is a discipline that is not easily mastered. Self improvement is constant just as learning is eternal as well. In closing, maintain honor and integrity and your actions will yell out," YOUR THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD!!!!!!" Peace

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Lets look at the science of "accountability." Do we (Gods and Earths) hold the 85% accountable for there actions when we know there blind, deaf and dumb? In essence they "don't know" the truth. If they knew better, they'll do better. What about common sense as an adult? Knowing right from wrong, and plain stupid shit that is not acceptable in any cipher. Do they get a pass with the blind, deaf and dumb card? I personally cee this as dealing with each individual accordingly, after doing the knowledge to the said person. There are some folks that do ignorant shit and just don't have or haven't nurtured the learning capacity to be more intellectual. Then there's the 85% that think there slick and running game and ultimately do stupid shit when they know better with a good level of intellect. They are held accountable. We all have heard about a smart, bright kid from a middle class family that commits a horrendous crime and gets life in jail and say," he was a good kid, terrible what happened." He knew better and was held accountable.
The general feel is that 85% are stupid. Far from the truth. Just because there views are different, doesn't necessarily mean there dumb. Understanding the cipher is to deal with each individual as an "individual" and not pigeon hole everybody in one particular class. There different layers and currents in people that differ and should be recognized. Gods and Earths are held accountable for all actions one may commit. So next time this issues arises do the knowledge and deal with the situation accordingly. Rule of thumb, If you can not hold someone responsible they should not be in your cipher to begin with. Peace