Thursday, December 31, 2009

"85% Theory"

When I speak on destroy power% I suppose I put them in a ignorant light. Kind of zombie to the effect they follow knowing it's not conducive, basically they follow at there own detriment. Ignorant means illiterate also uninformed. Following the surface break down of the NGE's, 5%, 10%, 85%, most can not and will not be able to relate to civility. Being apart of the 5%, most people I come encounter with are 85%. And on most occasions, unwittingly, they'll pull you into that blind, deaf and dumb vortex. They're slaves to a mental death. 120 is Supremely relevant in all situations. In my current circumference, money is the embodiment of devil. These 85% fall victim and never hope to recover from being mentally dead. And there of Christian faith! What a fucking hoax!!! I cee people with a good heart that just doesn't possess the discipline to recover. The babies will be nurtured and given special attention. B.u.t adults on "RARE" occasions will I go above and beyond to save them with this knowledge. B.u.t for the most part adults know and startle the line of 85% and 10%. Patience is a virtue of God also knowing when your efforts fall upon deaf ears is also a virtue of the True and Living. So to conclude this blog I won't handcuff, baby or fall victim to a stubborn ass adults bullshit. To each they own. Fuck me so Fuck you too. Peace.

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