Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Book of Eli

Last night I went to cee the new Denzel joint, The Book of Eli. It was.....cool. Enough to keep me watching. The interesting thing was the jewels that was covertly exposed. Without going into details to ruin the next person from ceeing it, it showed how 10% use there dirty religion to master and enslave people. That was powerful. I'm sure the majority of the 85% who were watching it didn't catch the subliminal messages. I'm watching this joint and taking it thru 120 simultaneously. Blind faith in a mystery God, more times then not leaves u open to be manipulated, all in the name of the mystery God. 10% are the vampires of the world. Bloodsuckers!!! Since religion is the most powerful mental tool known to man ( in my eyes anyway) 10% use this weapon to mentally bind and keep one zombied out to the mystery God. They definitely don't want u to believe in self and find your own way thru self empowerment. Total submission without thought is a mental slave. Once we educate ourselves, manipulation becomes very difficult. Stay conscious of the bullshit, tricknology is tempted on our psyche daily. DON'T FALL VICTIM!!!! Peace.

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