Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Myopic Consciousness @ home and abroad

Some basic tenets of the 5%(NGE's) is knowledge,wisdom and understanding. Look,listen,observe. Put thought into motion/action. Then reap the benefits, good or bad. This is pretty simple on all levels and arguably normal logic. Now what about the tunnel vision individuals? The one's who only c there point of view with little to no room for other considerations. You know the old cliche,There's more then one way to skin a cat. I c that as saying there could be (in certain scenarios) multiple "understandings" that are valid. However, there is only one truth!!! When one is "STUBBORN" and refuses to internalize other views, that is religious and/or religion!!! Assimilate, adapt, grow.....CHANGE. Restrictions on growth and development is a fuc'in handicap. Glass ceilings? Nigas with low self-esteem? I contribute this form of "stagnate cancer" to the lack of knowledge, the type of growing broad base knowledge. Yes, one can know the Original blackman is God b.u.t if that's your final answer you are "VERY" limited my brother/sister. To combat tunnel vision is to be conscious on a supreme level. To acknowledge your own limitations and go beyond your comfort zone and stop being bull-headed about other schools of thought/knowledge. Taking the best part for self and getting rid of the rest. I'm a firm advocate of "EVERYTHING" has a valuable lesson (however minute) it just has be seen and acknowledged.


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