Friday, June 24, 2011

To Perfect or Not to Perfect

What is perfection? Is there a state of being perfect? Perfect: without flaws; excellent. Perfection is a proverbial pipe dream. Nothing operates without flaws, however minute. In the food and medical supply industry most companies are under a standard title "6 Sigma." Which has a 99.8% perfection rate as it relates to inventory, product defects etc. That small % that equals that .2% shows and proves flaws and mistakes will be made. Now let's bring it into real people life scenarios. Our percentage dam sure isn't that good in whatever we do. Life is full of unexpectancies that are apart of life. We plan ahead to alleviate surprises that maybe unfavorable for us. B.u.t a guarantee is not realistic. We strive and build for "predictable outcomes/result." So perfection can be something to strive for however you'll be chase something nonexistent a ghost or what we like to call it within the Nation, chasing a mystery God! Peace
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