Thursday, February 28, 2013


Motivation: to provide with an incentive; move to action; impel. Motivation is the mental magnetic that draws one to whatever their cipher (person, place or thing) maybe. Knowledge this, using your own self (thoughts/memory) to validate my build. From my own experiences most people I build with know very little (if anything) about investing, stocks and bonds. We know there "maybe" some financial rewards for investing b.u.t we know so little about this cipher. There's a plethora of reasons why folks don't invest. For the sake of time, I'll choose a reason I think we don't. That's a science we know nothing about. Bottom line. And before I invest my gold I have to have some idea, matter of fact, a good idea of the hell is going on. In this scenario, money is the motivation. B.U.T!!! The return "seems" (and I stress "seems") to be to far down the line for me "TO BE MOTIVATED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT INVESTING!!!" Key word, Motivated. Without that, we just won't do it. Or we'll just fiddle around with something, procrastinating and never complete, finish or do it correctly for lack of focusness  because we/I do not have a vested interest in doing it. Gucci shoes, wallet, purse. BMW. College degree. Home owner. Owning one's own business. Without the motivation, none of this will come to fruition. We all can do the knowledge to self and see where the lack of motivation end up in noncompletion, whatever that might've been. Also how being motivated propelled us to completing a task regardless of the size.


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