Sunday, May 29, 2011

Clarification Knowledge(1)

(Here's one of the questions I typical hear regarding 5% not being muslims.) If the "5% Nation of Gods and Earths" are not muslims, then why do they adhere to muslim lessons? Father Allah severe official ties with the NOI in 63' and brought KOS to the youth in the streets. This consisted of Supreme Math and Supreme Alphabet and 120 degrees. Supreme Math and Alphabet was manifested by the Father. 120 degrees consist of muslim lessons with the Fathers self styled wisdom and supreme understanding. The mosque is only a piece of the Fathers koran that shows a path he took to manifest our 4, IGod! Example being, if I learn and exercise the study of bushido(samurai) does that make me Japanese? Now cipher. Its only a school of thought that a said person adheres too, to exemplify a said 4. Its a given path. A route to follow. Supreme Math and Alphabet gives 120 a more universal application. A supreme understanding that can not be uncovered without Supreme Math and Alphabet. This isn't a muslim application. Supreme Math and Alphabet is the crux of the lessons. Something else to 3 is the verbiage used as Muslim lessons is taking extremely literal. Too literal. Don't get so caught up in words and end up missing the wisdom and understanding.
In closing, this debate is so trivial I suggest the focus moves to more critical and important subject matter(s). Peace,
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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