Monday, April 23, 2012

The perception is.....

Is "perception" reality? Do the one. If I wore baggy clothes, tattoo's and talked with a street slang, would the perception be I'm a gangster? More times then not, yes sir. This type of attire is specifically targeted as "hood wear" typical of gang members. However this doesn't automatically "make" somebody the said person of the gang culture. A woman who models bikini's, panties and bras, is she promiscuous? What does the perception say? If all u see is her modeling/posing in panties? Lewd? Easy?....Well I'm sure you get the gist of what I'm saying. Albeit, in my own koran(history) most times peoples outward appearances are definitely their reality/life. Yet instill, to judge somebody or something on pure appearance could lead one in the wrong direction. Passing unfound judgment which isn't right and exact. Do your due diligence and get facts before passing judgment, taking ciphers on face value will find one in the loser column.

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