Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Humility is a Component of Civilty"

I was once deaf, dumb and blind. By all accounts I would say the former me was violent. Very. I find this violent attitude typical in the hood. For a multitude of reasons. Violence is the "SEEMINGLY" cure all/fix all in settling differences/issues in the hood. Of course from time to time some (very few) disagreements get solved with "civil" solutions. However the challenge is dealing with mentally violent people and this is all they know, the equality to build without kicking ass/getting yo ass kicked is a daily hurdle. It's easy to say,"fuck it!!! and knock the shit outta somebody. B.u.t is that civilization? Is that showing and proving the higher intelligence? Empathically Now Cipher!!! Albeit i do agree whole heartedly that there are certain situations when physical justice is the order of the day. I consider that the "expection" not the rule. When I was younger and living the destory power to the fullest, OG's that were none active I consider "pussy's!" they got older and got soft. Again that was juvenile thinking literally, I was like knowledge equality years old. Now, I know better. Yes some people get older and square up however to view them as "soft" would be and could be a grossly bad judgement. What I know now and I exercise this same frame of thought, that I know I have no fear in my heart and fighting is nothing. However, pick and chose your battles and if the situation calls for it jump into the melee and let the chips fall where they may!!! This I have no problem with. However the 85% around you may consider this to be weakness. So should I just start busting nigas in their fucking head like a savage? Absolutely not. I stand on my square of truth and fuck what others may think. Violate any section on those 4 90 degree angles and I'll show and prove fearlessness! I see the culture of I-God having to show humility to do what? to civilize. I can not teach civility if I'm praticpating in savagrey. I know for an actual fact I'm not the only God that comes across these challenges. Ones who have lived a violent life "AND HAVE MATURREEEDDDD" know the down side, the nonsense. This is a lesson that needs to be advocated more, especially to the youth. Infinite7

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