Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Religion vs Tradition

Does tradition mean "religiously" following the template of a particular cipher? Following rules and regulations? Every cipher (person,place or thing) has it's own unique guidelines to follow. It's own paradigm. The NGE's are big advocates of not "BEING RELIGIOUS" b.u.t are (some anyway) are "HUGE TRADIDTIONALIST." This fine line of religious vs tradition can sometimes become blurred. Everything we know from a macrocosm to a microcosm has an order. Rules and regulations that every particular cipher adheres too. That's actual fact. So in line with universal law, we in the NGE's also adhere to particular guidelines under the umbrella of "Allah's 5% Nation." I hear builds," Allah said this, the Elder's said that, the First born did this that way, the degree said this......." All these adages have merits in their own right and should be used as a guideline b.u.t not "REILIGOUSLY!" Not sounding or being religious like.......RELIGIOUS PEOPLE. The foundation is the foundation sacred, lets be clear on that first. The original blackman is GOD, the original black woman is the Earth, no pork, etc. Yes somethings are "religious." Again these are paradigms within the NGE's that must be followed. Period. Contary to popular belief with individuals outside of the Nation, we (NGE's) do not make our own rules and do what we like good or bad. Now cipher. That's just ignorance. A lack of understanding of this Nation in it's totality. Quoting lessons, quotes from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is a "reference point" not my understanding as in my thoughts and experiences that manifest my TRUE UNDERSTANDING as an individual. Regurgitated wisdom is grafted wisdom, far from original. The best builds come from experience and not from what you heard. And what somebody else did or is doing shines no light on you and what you got going. What are you doing? .....................................................................Infinite7

1 comment:

  1. Peace Morning God. This build on religion vs. tradition should be continued. There is a lot here to dig into for understanding of he NGE culture. I questioned this very issue last week...some of the rules and regulations and how they are presented by NGE members, which appear, to me, to be more like a religion than cultural tradition. I think it is in the level of admonishment that moves cultural tradition to the realm of religious admonishment, which can cause one to say, "Well, damn, I may as well had remained a Sunni Muslim, Jehovah's Witness, or in some other religious group where religious dogma trumps cultural evolution." It is a delicate line being straddled here. My education on Universal law is limited at this point, however, in looking at the Original man being God and the Original woman being Earth, from a scientific perspective, I get it...I see the relationship there. Not eating pork and ingesting man-made ingredients that have been proven harmful to the human body, I get that, too. Teaching the babies and influencing my community in a positive way, I've always been about that. Rules and regulations that are rooted in an individual preference is what can de-unify ciphers because at some point it has to become one person's law being hourded over other original people. Like, when I was a practicing Sunni Muslim, reading the Quran and living out the deen as I translated it was a beautiful and freeing experience. However, the contradictions and conflict came about when following the hadith was strongly advocated in behavior because it was, to me, more self-serving to particular population within the religion. To me, the cultural traditions were found within the Quran, and even with that, the cultural traditions for us in North America were/are very different from those of us in the Middle East and on the continent of Africa, so reconciling that created a lot of gray area, for me at least. I wouldn't want that to occur for those who are new to the NGE because bottom line, the Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet are a righteous language to live out, thus, I think this type of build on religion vs. tradition is especially important. Peace.
