Thursday, July 5, 2012

Is being "aware" the same as being "conscious?" Let me elucidate.... On a general level, yes the rebuttal could very well be that consciousness and awareness is the same thing. B.u.t you know we (NGE's) are into breaking down atoms to revel the hidden jewel inside. With that said, I see being aware as in acknowledging words and actions but not internalizing it for a higher conscious decision for optimum results. Being aware is like you know fire burns b.u.t being conscious of the fire is knowing the "ramifications" of the burn. A deeper understanding, a step by step process on how a particular cipher was born. So I see a difference when being aware and being conscious. Another example will be someone who is a burglar. They're "aware" its a very realistic possibility they might end up in jail for devilishment exploits. B.u.t being "conscious" of going to jail and all it entails (home sick, no freedom to move about, riots, degrading mentally/physically etc) is another story. Being "conscious" of the consequences will either deter you or @ the minimal help one except the responsibility of their actions. How you see it?


1 comment:

  1. Peace God. My See on the difference between being aware and being conscious is akin to an experience I had on a mountain surrounded by police who had guns pointed on my former husband and myself. I was always aware of the fact that this happened to some people, and that you can be placed in a life or death situation at any moment. That day, i became truly conscious of it, in real life time. Only internal strength made it a life-life result rather than a double death in the physical. There is a difference between the two though awareness is just as valid for it is that awareness - being alert and awake to the systems and structures of our society that aides one in transitioning to the conscious. I could go on, but...Peace.
