Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Congrads Zya!!!!

I feel a sense of joy I never felt before. Proud beyond the english definition (or any other language for that matter.) Today It was manifested to me that one of my young moons (Zya) has won a writing essay on the 7 Martin Luther King Jr. And she is the recipient of a $5,000 college fund and a formal honorary dinner. As today mathematics is wisdom cipher abbt wisdom I see my ways and actions manifested in my seeds and they use the way(2) they been taught. 20.What are the prescribed laws of Islam to a said person of that ability? (I'll update the answer to my reality today) I'm held responsible for my seeds and I'll be punished by my own iniquity for not doing my duty as a Father to set an example of the true and living 7. The Truth will be manifested by one's seeds on how the said person maintained their square or not. My daughter tells me, daddy I'm a be start just like u. Words are bond and bond is life, I'm truly proud to see the fruits of my labor be manifested on this day of wisdom cipher. PEACE TO THE GODS AND EARTHS!!!!
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