Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Lets look at the science of "accountability." Do we (Gods and Earths) hold the 85% accountable for there actions when we know there blind, deaf and dumb? In essence they "don't know" the truth. If they knew better, they'll do better. What about common sense as an adult? Knowing right from wrong, and plain stupid shit that is not acceptable in any cipher. Do they get a pass with the blind, deaf and dumb card? I personally cee this as dealing with each individual accordingly, after doing the knowledge to the said person. There are some folks that do ignorant shit and just don't have or haven't nurtured the learning capacity to be more intellectual. Then there's the 85% that think there slick and running game and ultimately do stupid shit when they know better with a good level of intellect. They are held accountable. We all have heard about a smart, bright kid from a middle class family that commits a horrendous crime and gets life in jail and say," he was a good kid, terrible what happened." He knew better and was held accountable.
The general feel is that 85% are stupid. Far from the truth. Just because there views are different, doesn't necessarily mean there dumb. Understanding the cipher is to deal with each individual as an "individual" and not pigeon hole everybody in one particular class. There different layers and currents in people that differ and should be recognized. Gods and Earths are held accountable for all actions one may commit. So next time this issues arises do the knowledge and deal with the situation accordingly. Rule of thumb, If you can not hold someone responsible they should not be in your cipher to begin with. Peace

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