Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Resolution.........Mysterious Hoax

Wisdom cipher knowledge wisdom. Experiencing(2) persons, places and things(0) gives one the blueprint(1) to act(2) accordingly. This day is the 5th which is symbolic to Power in this month of Jan (Justice Allah Now). Justice for Allah in Now which is the truth(5). The Original Blackman is "NOT" above justice and the rewards and penalties one will occur for their actions. This is the power, the truth. It happens to all of us on this physical plane. Neglect the right decisions and bare witness to an adverse result that'll bite you in the ass for negligence. Some might opt to use Jan-1-2012 to make positive changes via a "New Year's Resolution." I cee the purpose and reasoning for such goal settings however I don't need to wait to the New Year to implement a new curriculum for myself. I cee that as "procrastination." The 11-40 ask," would you sit up @ home and wait for that mystery god to bring you food?" Empathically NOW CIPHER!!! which translate to me not waiting to execute on goals. The only thing that comes to a sleeper is a dream. Also the beginning of a new year can be seen as the 1-40 which speaks about renewing ones history. Again I'm not an advocate of "WAITING" to the new year however that's the said persons prerogative. Renewing one's history should be based on positive growth. The 2 most common "resolutions" I hear about is dieting and stop smoking. The 6-14 speaks about "why does the devil keep our people illiterate?" Part of the degree states,"he keeps them blind to themselves so he can master them." That's a nurses pin that has been implanted in your third to procrastinate until Jan-1st and beyond. Everyday a goal is set to be accomplished. So if I'm a start dieting on Jan-1st I'm a consume as many big mac's as humanly possible before my deadline? Or I'm a smoke as many cigarettes as I can before the first of the year. So on Dec-31 I just eat all kinds of fatty unhealthy food and smoke as many cigarettes and kush blunts that I can before midnight. Then to no surprise, on the 2nd of Jan, I'm smoking again, and back in line @ McDonald's ordering a super Big Mac meal. y? Because you wisdom(2) wasn't based on truth(5).You never truly started preparing to begin cutting back on your vices. You essentially "Ill-planned" to stop cold turkey. While there are some people with the said ability to do such, most are not qualified to stop cold turkey. And you ultimately end back @ McDonald's and smoking cigarettes. Patience and discipline is a yearly commitment that should be built upon regularly not just Jan-1.


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