Monday, September 21, 2009

Supreme Navigation thru the wilderness of North America


In the words of the late Tupac,"my every move is a calculated step."Whether conscious or subconscious we take risk almost everyday. Which is peace, as long as they're " calculated risk" and not just some kamakize destroy power type nonsense. To take full advantage of our "23 million miles of useful land(7/1-10)" we must navigate thru and over the obstacles the wilderness of north america has in place for the original man. More times then not, one of my main obstacles are the original men that are full fledge destroy power representers. Living in a desolate area(super ghetto), the likes of the night crawler people on Will Smith's I Am Legend, I expect them to be"the ones that strayed away from civilization and is living a jungle life(7/1-14).

Always mentally and physically ready to take "4 devils heads at onetime(10/1-14)", Bear Grylls (Man vs Wild) don't have shit on one with knowledge of self. On most occasions, if we let a destroy power% draw us into some unfavorable bullshit we fall victim to the devil's civilization. We as Gods and Earths should not be drawn off our square by savages. If the devil fails to recognize "the sword on the upper part of the flag, his head should be taken off by the sword(9/1-14). Physical justice. Of course this is one of the obstacles that is set up in the wilderness of north america to undermine and negate the original man at our own expense. Supreme navigation, calculated risk thru the wilderness. When applicable, use KOS to elevate above the destroy power% individuals we encounter daily. B.u.t, when it is "unavoidable" and you've exhausted all remedies, justified justice is the rule. Peace.

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