Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Relationship Combatability


Can a relationship work between one with "KOS" and one without? Y equal self. Albeit, I do feel in most scenarios, Now cipher. It's difficult to establish an understanding. If " u know every square inch(1/1-14)" of our cipher b.u.t your wisdom doesn't know the circumference of the earth(herself), a storm is sure to come. A person can be logical, intelligent and civil and not be apart of our Nation. Whether she's apart of our Nation or not, your wife, girl, wisdom, earth, should bare witness that you are in fact "God." Regardless to whom or what(11/1-14) her religion may be. That's Y it's imperative we as God's show and prove and make knowledge born to all, that we are "Gods!!!" "All the above is caused by the son of man(8/1-40), so the onus becomes ours to draw the relationship up to it's fullest equality and determine whats " right and exact" not just "right." Right and exact love is the best part(3/1-14). I don't impose this righteous science on no one. I do however, educate and teach(18/1-40) each and everyday. This is one of the major tenets of our paradigm, knowledge, wisdom and understanding, sun, moon and star, man, woman and child. This is the normal law of the universe. I flow with the harmony of the cosmos. We're apart of the overall scheme of things. A woman brings completion to the cipher. Add on to your cipher with the confidence of knowing your Queen is right and exact, whether she has knowledge or not. Peace.


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