Sunday, October 4, 2009

Effective Communication

Effective communication is the key to many if not all misunderstandings. Communication also facilitates a message to be heard for gain, to enlighten, get out of bind and many other reasons. Sub par communication can and will cause misunderstandings all being born to DRAMA! It's difficult to speak our own language (4/1-36) when the communication is not understood between said persons. Destroy power%ers talk with allot of tricknowlogy and small world view. If it doesn't pertain to the hood it's ultimately irrelevant. It's like the will to be a better all around person is never drawn above equality miles from the earths surface (8/1-40). We live in the now and things should be addressed as such. Most bloodsuckers of the poor (15/1-40) have effective communication only they choose to use devilsihment when applying it. We have to listen and be disciplined when doing the knowledge, attentive listening. Replying with wisdom, intelligent feed back. And the understanding will follow, both will have a clear picture of what was said and what the outcome should entail. Science of everything in life. Peace


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