Peace, today (24th of Nov) is celebrated in the wilderness of North America as the holiday of "Thanksgiving." The actual foundation of this so-called holiday is based on Yakub's tricknology. Thanksgiving has a vicious Koran of death, carnage and a festive celebration. Original people tend to take the best part (giving thanks) for themselves. Which is peace in the grand scheme of things. Its challenging for the conscious community at large to accept Thanksgiving in lew of the so-called holiday's origin. The masses (original people) who are the blind,deaf and dumb are the ones who celebrate Thanksgiving and are the same ones who need to be awaken the most. Counter-intuitive? Yes. However this is the challenge set in front of the person(s) with the said ability to "mentally" emancipated the masses. Do we all have something to be thankful for? Hell yea! The same energy put into this one day that is "predicated by the 10%" should be exemplified daily. This knowledge is known just isn't exercised until the predetermined day (smh). Peace,
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Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
"Righteous in an unrigtheous land"
I been contemplating the science of being righteous in an unrighteous land (wilderness of north america). Of course wrong is wrong and right is right. One can not play "absolutely" fair according to grafted rules and regulations. This is fair for one person and not fair for the next. This is social "inequality." If equality isn't manifested across the board, there will always be an imbalance in our social fabric we call society. Knowledge cipher degree in our S.A is Justice. Knowledge of the cipher tells the person of that said ability that the playing field is "NOT FAIR!" Just-I-C-Equality. I understand this to be righteous and not holy. Not getting ran over and hoodwinked because I'm blinded by holiness. Also this would indicate I'm dealing with a mystery, something that is not(10-40). The true and living knows there's no mysteries and reality is the foundation to build off of. Building on the mathematics with each and every situation will unlock the esoteric answer on how to deal with the unrigtheous from a righteous stand point. This doesn't mean fall victim and become savage/uncivilized. This means utilize your supreme intelligence and the handle each situation on its on merit and build or destroy accordingly. Peace,
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Monday, October 17, 2011
Knowledge God
Do the knowledge to God. Responsibilities range from working, caring, sharing, compassion, understanding, durable, flexible, unwavering, communicating etc. Mediating is also a very important and serious characteristic God must bare. Helping to facilitate a love one's issues. Performing multiple duties @ work that requires attention, thought and planning. While dealing with co-workers issues @ work. Daily routine of guiding one's seeds in the advantageous direction of life. Financial planning dealing with monthly bills and debt. Paying bills. While dealing from a legal capacity. Personal relationships with the ebb and flow of hot and cold. Knowing when to stay closed mouth and fight a battle another day. Communicating to all types of people (85%,10% and 5%) who lack understanding and who have understanding. The Original Man who takes on this responsibility daily and executes a well thought out plan, is showing the world who God is. This is knowing God! Peace.
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Saturday, October 8, 2011
"...different currents or layers of air..."
One of the first things I learned in the cipher was that, the Nation doesn't teach/give 120 to adults. Which relates to, we teach the babies and in some cases depending on the circumstances we teach adults. I supremely 3 the reasons for hesitancy building with adults. Adults are already seasoned. Many experiences they already have gone through have shaped their views, beliefs etc. Adults tend to reject new ideas. Rebuttals and set in there ways. Babies/kids are more receptive to change and new ideologies. However this isn't an absolute truth because in some cases, an adult will have a sponge like mind and soak up 1 including 120. Building is to add on. The different current relates to "acclimate" to "change." Change for the better is adding on....Do the 1. Peace
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Thursday, October 6, 2011
Health is wealth
We all know the founder and CEO of Apple computers, Steve Jobs passed recently. His physical was power equality. Official cause of death hasn't been released as of yet however he has been known to have health problems. This build isn't to delve into his health nor cause of death. The overall build is "health is wealth." He (Steve Jobs) had a net worth of $8.3 billion. He would've given up every nickel to be healthy. We will spend top dollar on superficial material nonsense b.u.t won't spend an extra $5 or $6 on healthy food, alkaline water etc. Why? Because the devil keeps our people illiterate (6/1-14). This is "INEQUALITY!" The true equality is to have balance in your life. Internally and externally. Yes nice things are fine, in moderation. Health consciousness should be apart of your cipher also. So don't live lavish with poor health. Bring balance(6) to self. Equality borns wisdom. That wisdom we can take and learn from Steve Jobs. Peace.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011
"...I have the power...."
Truth is absolute. No waffling,no inconsistencies, just truth. The truth is similar to raw/organic foods. 100% pure and natural. No preservatives. No food coloring. No sugar/corn syrup/fructose. Just raw/organic truth. Like food, truth can be diluted, mixed and tampered with. The mental or physical consumption of grafted food (truth) can mathematically leave one falling short of the glory, for lack of a better term. The truth is the standard, the bar to achieve too. The truth is all powerful as well. The truth has the uncanny ability to move and or shape a cipher. The truth can bring you out of the darkness and into the light. With truth you have power and with power u have truth. Their interchangeable.
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Monday, October 3, 2011
"....the best part...."
Understanding is the best part in any situation. Right, wrong or indifferent, understanding gives the person(s) the ability to absorb/internalize/rationalize and move forward from "complicated" situations. Whether you agree or disagree, understanding born's equality, a platform to find the equal parts between parties for civil debates/disagreements. Also, the 3 degree in the 1-40 speaks on the diameter, a straight line that goes across the center of a circumference. That line in the middle represents balance(6). Understanding the need to be equal in all parts of life. Lion and fox. Physically fit and mentally fit. Rough and smooth. As the 3 degree in the 1-14 states," we use the best part and don't care about the poor part!!!" Peace
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Friday, September 30, 2011
" the Black man's body exist 2 germs..."
2 germs. Positive and negative. Yin and Yang. Good and bad. Black and brown. In this particular scenario, 2 germs ultimately mean difference(s) between 2 ciphers. Also can be seen as logical and illogical. This duality can exist in the Black Man's body. "Should I or shouldn't I?" "Kill or be killed?" This is the extreme that it could be perceived to be. Two avenues. One way or the other. This way or that way. 2 germs. The "right way" or the "wrong way." The true and living subscribe to the best part (right way) and don't care about the poor part (wrong way). KOS, in its proper application provides the said person with that ability to choose the right way to show and prove supreme intelligence (Allah). Dominate gene and recessive gene. Higher/Supreme intelligence plane or lower/animalistic/uncivilzed/savage plane. Understanding build is to show and prove that Allah is the God always has been always will be. Peace,
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
"My lessons say....."
Let me first say that tradition in the scope of keeping pure/original said lessons are ideal and preferred. In an attempt to prevent diluting, mixing and tampering to preserve the best part which is pure and original lessons. Remaining staunch on the square about grafted lessons is a must. With that being said, maturation "should" give the person with the said ability the 3 to see the original from the grafted. At home and a broad lessons tend to vary however slightly. Some get the 1-10,1-36,1-14,1-40. While others get 1-10,1-14,1-40,1-36. Some knowledge cipher degree (1-40) end by saying,"and will waste no more time" while others say,"and will lose no more time." Here's where maturity plays its part. Does that said person know his/her knowledge cipher degree? Does the word "lose" or "waste" lessen the meaning of the degree? Albeit some small "seemingly" minute words if not quote correctly can have a huge effect on the 3. "This" changed to "the" could throw off the 3. Again, a qualified individual can see beyond this and knowledge's "real" lessons once he/she hears them. Tradition and original is important. Also maturity without being an asshole is important as well. Peace
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Monday, September 26, 2011
Love Allah's Parliament
Yesterday(Wisdom Power of Savior equality power truth) we out here in Love Allah held our monthly Parliament. Which is always peace for the most part. This month we welcomed the 7 Allah Intelligence from Now Why into the cipher for a brief visit. Jewels were dropped and builders built. What I was doing the knowledge to was the common cause. How a brother from across the country can come out here and be welcomed with open arms. That's wisdom equality. How at home or abroad we all experienced(2) the lessons/teaching of this culture of IGod and regardless to whom or what we all can come together for one common cause(6) to build(8). The current was warm and camaraderie was the theme. Now of course all meeting between other ciphers won't have a warm current because we know there are some currents or layers of air warm and cold. However as long as mathematics are utilized properly and is the foundation, chaos should not exist in the u-n-i-verse. Peace to the 7 Allah Intelligence.
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Friday, September 23, 2011
God Build's
God build days since my nephew return to the essence and my word is bond and bond is life my hurt/pain/missing him has not subsided. Mathematical, I've already drawn this up in a plethora of different builds. Allah is the God always has been and always will be. Any niga that down plays the physical being is a lying ass niga. I'd love to build with my nephew right now. Born u truth that's not reality. What is reality is this pain. With six sextillions on my back, I'm taking Jerusalem back. Love you Melvin, Infinite7
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Education is Rudimentary
Education is a must!!! Particularly specific education. Useful applicable education not just standardize school textbook education. It's very important to learn how to think "strategically." Tactical formulations for desired results. Strategic tactical formulations are pure mathematical equations. So this kind of thinking would manifest living mathematics. Bringing numbers to life. Each problem we come across is essentially mathematical @ its core. A problem equals an answer/solution. Just as in school, the solution/answer you come up with could be the wrong answer. Maybe you miscalculated and were off by a digit of two. Nevertheless, wrong answer. Mathematical (theology) used in real life implemented correctly will yield favorable results. Easier said then done, however if this train of thought becomes routine strategic planning in life becomes the normal and results begin to be more on the lines of Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Peace
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Expectations! I hear said individuals talk about the Nation like some folk lore fantasy island type savior he I truth. Gods this, Earths that blah, blah, blah. I'm in total agreement that the said person with that ability (God/Earth) "should" hold them selves in a supreme fashion to show and prove the true and living supreme being. However, we knowledge everybody don't live out the 4 in its right and exact way. Some half-ass it while others are completely off their square. Don't sit up and wait on a mystery God/Earth. If your establishing on foundation according to another man/woman, your "potentially" 8 a house on quicksand ie Malcolm X being disappointed my the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. Always take the best part for self! Deal with said individuals according to their actions. Unbias judgment. Regardless if they come in the name of God/Earth. They can still be foul, lazy ie savage and uncivilized. Don't fall victim to titles and names, make sure they are who they say they are and they are truly living out Allah's Mathematics. Peace
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Saturday, September 17, 2011
Mayweather vs Ortiz
Knowledge hour away from the fight, Mayweather vs Ortiz. I father u cee king's with Mayweather. However, Oritz is peace also. Logically Ortiz isn't technical enough to beat Mayweather. However, he is strong enough knock Mayweather out. Mayweather foot game is superior and defense is second to none. Mayweather win's by decision or later rounds TKO. Wisdom Original Men. Knowledge seed and wisdom seed. The world will Knowledge God tonight by baring witness to wisdom Original Men with superior boxing skills. Peace
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Thursday, September 8, 2011
God Degree
The seventh letter in the alphabet is "G" which us in the culture of "I-God" associates the word "God" with the letter "G." The word "God" has various meaning which all are indicative of some form of a super deity, supreme being, creator, higher power/authority etc. I tend to expound on the "supreme being" definition. If we view "God" as logical and reality based, we the "Original Blackman" are undisputed as the supreme being(God). Yea ok whatever Infinite, but how did the blackman create the universe? That energy(supreme intelligence) in outer space has always been and will always be. The universe was given birth from that energy(supreme intelligence) which is inside the blackman's body. Brief overview on cosmology. Another component of "God" is responsible. That one word (on how I see it) covers most of everything that's has to do with the Blackman being God. Responsible is duties that has to be done. WHETHER U WANT TO OR NOT!!! Who likes spending most if not all their $ on bills and kids? Who cares if u like it or want too, those bills have to get paid and those seeds has to be taking care of "PROPERLY!!!" I can 8 on this topic much more b.u.t I'll only be belaboring the point. This 8 is just a glimpse into the Supreme Alphabet dealing with the letter "G." Peace,
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Incessant Struggle
The struggle continues...... This statement is true in all situations/scenarios. Struggle: to contend; strive,
strong effort; conflict. This definition defines life. Do the knowledge to Kobe Byrant. To stay @ optimum basketball level he must continue to practice, look @ game footage etc. This is to strive; contend. Ebb n flow, ups n downs, highs n lows. Real life. When the struggle is over u cease to exist n the physical. Any a homeless person struggles. Where is that next meal coming from? Where is that warm place/spot to sleep tonight? These are daily struggles n a homeless capacity. Working, that 9 to 5, is a daily struggle. School also. The will to want to live, succeed n be prosperous all validates the struggle. Next year, next 20 years, next generations will continue to struggle. It's life n regardless to whom or what, once a child is conceived in the womb, even when a said person was one of those 1,000 sperm cells "STRIVING" to contact with their mother's egg, the struggle had already begun. Peace,
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strong effort; conflict. This definition defines life. Do the knowledge to Kobe Byrant. To stay @ optimum basketball level he must continue to practice, look @ game footage etc. This is to strive; contend. Ebb n flow, ups n downs, highs n lows. Real life. When the struggle is over u cease to exist n the physical. Any a homeless person struggles. Where is that next meal coming from? Where is that warm place/spot to sleep tonight? These are daily struggles n a homeless capacity. Working, that 9 to 5, is a daily struggle. School also. The will to want to live, succeed n be prosperous all validates the struggle. Next year, next 20 years, next generations will continue to struggle. It's life n regardless to whom or what, once a child is conceived in the womb, even when a said person was one of those 1,000 sperm cells "STRIVING" to contact with their mother's egg, the struggle had already begun. Peace,
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Thoughts of Original Unity

First off, let me say,"I'm not a pessimist." I been hearing the incessant chatter about original people coming together and building and blah,blah,blah. Let's analyze this from a logical, reality base view. Let's get one thing clear, Nigas have never been together as a whole in recorded history, let alone all original people (Latin,Asian,etc) across the globe. Religion alone will keep 85% separated from each other. We have dissension amongst ourselves in small ciphers. Meaning our own shit isn't together some how are we going to look at a bigger picture of unity? That's the same as USA helping other countries with starvation and homelessness when the USA it's self has the same problem here. How does that work? Before I can help clean your yard I have to clean my yard first. 5%, 10% and 85% are relative numbers however they do give you approximates. Like I would say, 5% of the original people will unify regardless of religion, race or creed. They'll come together for one common cause. 10% would give the appearance of unity while the whole time having an ulterior motive for some type of political, monetary gain. And 85% are going to stick with their kind, Latin, Asian, christian, catholic etc. Wishful thinking is one thing and reality is another. Only a fool would believe every original person is their brother or sister. Do the knowledge. Peace
Monday, August 15, 2011
Anti-Nagging& Bitch'in
I'm not one to nick pick about what a said God or Earth is doing. If they're adding on to the cipher and making manifest the 18 degree, Peace. If they're adding on in the comfort/privacy of their rest, peace. If I don't know u or haven't seen u in years, months and days, shit that's peace too. Reality being I don't know what a said person has been doing. I deal with peace and that's my peace, what I'm in control of. Worrying about what another muthafuca do, doing or does is not my concern. Remember we're (in most cases) grown adults. If your foul n off yo square, yes I'll make knowledge born as your brother n partner n tribulations to correct or get yo attention about the fault I bare witness too. However nagging n making a scene like some squat pissing ass niga is not me! I'm the God of Infinite God Allah's cipher/square/universe/kingdom. If somebody isn't living out the culture of IGOD, their bad. Peace
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Monday, July 11, 2011

This is my nephew, "Melvin LeMar Anthony Childs" the manchild. 16yrs old. Athletic, funny, vibrant and optimistically looking into the future. Well he was sent back to the essence Thursday July 7 2011 @ approximately 10:15pm. I've been distilling for 4 days now and have no intentions of stopping anytime soon. The devils civilization is powerful. The magnetic to draw the blind, deaf and dumb into the world of destroy power is tremendous. This isn't nothing new, this wisdom of Yakub's world just has been magnified 100X's due to the events of my nephew. For the record I'm no passive 7 either. I've been shot 9 times, been to the injustice for an extend stay and know death/funerals are all to common. Born universal truth, it's a muthafucker!!!! when it's your folks though. With all the "INFINITE" power I possess I couldn't awaken my nephew??? I'm no half-ass 7! I adds on to the cipher!!! Any and everybody in this Love Allah cipher knows "INFINITE GOD ALLAH ADDS ON!!!" I 8, I 8!!!! I adds on to the 120/Civilization classes. I 8 with @ risk youths. I'm in the community showing and proving Allah's World Manifest!!! HOW COULD I NOT REACH MY FUCKING NEPHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(SMH)I come from the gang 4. I know that shit. Their ways and actions. My nephew wanted to be just like me, only problem was he wanted to be the me before the KOS. I 8 with him, the eating of the wrong foods not knowledging the cipher. Being blind, deaf and dumb. The Original Blackman is GOD!!!! You have this infinite potential inside you Worm (that's his childhood name giving to him by my ol' Earth his granny.)I didn't try hard enough. People have been saying I'm being to hard on myself I couldn't prevent everything. I concur, I don't know if I would've prevented this B.U.T I KNOW I COULD HAVE WENT HARDER IN TRYING TO BREAK THE GRIPS OF THE DEVILS CIVILIZATION ON A YOUNG MIND!!!!! This is my short coming. I have a fairly good 3 of this 4 of IGOD. I know SM,SA,120 and a whole plethora of other sciences of life. I did the 1 with my nephew but failed to utilize the 2 in a supreme fashion. I'm sorry Worm. 6 sextillion tons of weight is on my back and I'll bare that burden like my brother Jesus did back in the day. My nephew has been immortalized now. Of course no one has every returned from a physical death however, I will carry his essence on and my determined idea I have for my family is to celebrate his life every year til no ending.This generation, next generation and so on. I'll surf the galaxy until my immediate mourning is over. I'll slide by Jupiter, zoom past Uranus and see what the fuck is on the other side of Pluto. From here on out I'm pushing the limit. We must save the babies!!! I LOVE YOU WORM YO' UNCLE, NO BEGINNING AND NO ENDING, WE HERE AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE.......
Friday, June 24, 2011
To Perfect or Not to Perfect
What is perfection? Is there a state of being perfect? Perfect: without flaws; excellent. Perfection is a proverbial pipe dream. Nothing operates without flaws, however minute. In the food and medical supply industry most companies are under a standard title "6 Sigma." Which has a 99.8% perfection rate as it relates to inventory, product defects etc. That small % that equals that .2% shows and proves flaws and mistakes will be made. Now let's bring it into real people life scenarios. Our percentage dam sure isn't that good in whatever we do. Life is full of unexpectancies that are apart of life. We plan ahead to alleviate surprises that maybe unfavorable for us. B.u.t a guarantee is not realistic. We strive and build for "predictable outcomes/result." So perfection can be something to strive for however you'll be chase something nonexistent a ghost or what we like to call it within the Nation, chasing a mystery God! Peace
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Networking 101
Yesterday, May 30th was African Liberation Day. I attended a function in Love Allah (Los Angeles CA) hosted by the Us-Organization with a key figure in attendance of Dr. Maulana Karenga amongst others. This was my first time attending this particular function and of course I was doing the knowledge, looking, listening an observing. It was very Afrocentric with a lot of Swahili dialect in the atmosphere. The overall message was a prevalent message heard religiously throughout the conscious community; unity, political knowledge, circulate the black $ and the knowledge of self to name a few topics. In this type of forum the message is to unify regardless of ideologies. Different organizations or groups coming together for one common cause. Albeit, I would've personally incorporate our brown and yellow brothers and sisters however I was an attendee and participated accordingly. This was excellent event that reinforced the emphasis of unity across the board. Also a good way to network to utilize resources with like-minded people. I will continue down this path with a determine idea to add on to the community and the youth with a IGod mind set showing and proving the true and living God. Peace.
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Sunday, May 29, 2011
Clarification Knowledge(1)
(Here's one of the questions I typical hear regarding 5% not being muslims.) If the "5% Nation of Gods and Earths" are not muslims, then why do they adhere to muslim lessons? Father Allah severe official ties with the NOI in 63' and brought KOS to the youth in the streets. This consisted of Supreme Math and Supreme Alphabet and 120 degrees. Supreme Math and Alphabet was manifested by the Father. 120 degrees consist of muslim lessons with the Fathers self styled wisdom and supreme understanding. The mosque is only a piece of the Fathers koran that shows a path he took to manifest our 4, IGod! Example being, if I learn and exercise the study of bushido(samurai) does that make me Japanese? Now cipher. Its only a school of thought that a said person adheres too, to exemplify a said 4. Its a given path. A route to follow. Supreme Math and Alphabet gives 120 a more universal application. A supreme understanding that can not be uncovered without Supreme Math and Alphabet. This isn't a muslim application. Supreme Math and Alphabet is the crux of the lessons. Something else to 3 is the verbiage used as Muslim lessons is taking extremely literal. Too literal. Don't get so caught up in words and end up missing the wisdom and understanding.
In closing, this debate is so trivial I suggest the focus moves to more critical and important subject matter(s). Peace,
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In closing, this debate is so trivial I suggest the focus moves to more critical and important subject matter(s). Peace,
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
The word and or concept of Jihad is mostly interpreted as a "holy war" in Islamic religious ideology. The word truly means "a struggle" in arabic. So theoretically, the total population on the planet earth deals with some level of "jihad" on a regular bases. Be it financial, physical or mental amongst other things we all deal with the science of ebb and flow, ups and downs. The understanding of this ebb and flow which is normalcy in life can be seen as a natural progression that should be taken in stride and dealt with in a harmonic capacity. Knowledge of self encourages one to consistently add on to what one has already learned and deal with scenarios in a logical thought out fashion which will render a favorable outcome in most cases. The Jihad continues........ Peace,
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Kaizen: japanese word meaning constant improvement. Having the knowledge of self one should be a consummate practitioner of "kaizen." Kaizen could also be interpreted as growth and development, always building on the last build to excel to a more favorable position then last. The reality of the continuous struggle stands true as it directly relates to everyday living. True its debatable to whether one sees peace in their life or not, me personally I see "peaceful" periods however, the natural ebb and flow (universal law) will give you ups and downs. This I consider the struggle continuing. Some Eastern ideologies deal with the science of natural progression, going with the flow unattached emotionally. I see this as striving in ones everyday life to live in freedom, justice and equality under the umbrella of righteousness. In this mind set, going with the flow I see as holistic living devoid of any bullshit. This is a constant struggle to maintain on your square which will show and prove the true and living and the supreme intelligence. Peace.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Knowledge God
Knowledge God. To know god is to know yourself. The inner divinity. Attempting to acknowledge god outside of self is a delusional pin that has been planted in our minds as babies. Praying for some "mysterious force" to alter ending via destiny is asinine. There's no self responsibility in that type of ideology. The devil is the cause of your bad luck and Jesus have already sacrificed himself for your past, present and future sins. I call this a scapegoat, passing the buck. Once we start to knowledge god within, and know that all the above is called by the son of man and we have a direct hand in our daily outcomes that's when we start to take control of our lives. And the only way to gain peace is to find peace within first. Peace,
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Sunday, May 15, 2011
Just Building
Life is truly a journey. There's a myriad of experiences, peoples, good times and bad times. The foundation of all this is the accumulation of knowledge. The natural process to look, listen and observe. Ups and downs. Pros and cons. Good and bad. What if we devoid the thought of good and bad? And deal with the natural flow of everything in existence. The science of making decisions and better decisions. As we should perpetually strive for righteous decisions, that doesn't always equate to the correct decision. The wisdom of these decisions will show and prove what the correct action should've been. Growth and development will bless us with the experience we need to build. Peace!
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Friday, May 13, 2011
Other "said Languages"
I'm (by what the masses 85% would consider) black. An understanding seed. Whether we do the knowledge or not our latino brothers and sisters are prevalent in the communities across the United States. So about 13 yrs ago when I was a general laborer in a warehouse amongst a large group of Mexicans, I decided,"I should learn spanish." 1. To communicate with other people 2. Might can get a higher paying position being bilingual. 3. Might also be fun and I'll enjoy the challenge. Well over the time I have become quite knowledgeable in spanish. No, I'm not fluent however, I can order food, give directions and a lot of the simple conversations one might have however brief. Never had no formal teaching and or spanish training. Just learned the vowels and pronunciation. I typically hear the comment by original people," why should I learn spanish they came here!!" I've even heard people speaking spanish say, why don't they (english speaking people) know spanish!!" This is a very myopic mind set. Borderline ignorant. Speaking for myself, I'll continue build. In history, science, math, exercise, languages and everything in life. Allah is the lord of all worlds. Not just english nor spanish. Allah incorporates "everything!!" Peace.
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Friday, April 29, 2011
Do what u say!!!
I find that on occasion we as a people say things that "sound right & exact!" Like, saying a said person keeps it real, they promise that they'll keep they word. They're solid as in stable meaning dependable, etc. People just "SAY SHIT!!!" I'm not generalizing, I knowledge that there is a fair demographic of a said people that say shit and don't mean shit. Speaking for myself, I do the knowledge to each and every said individual on there own merit. I care not if your righteous name is "Humble Innocent Asiatic True Earth" or "Almighty Universal Holier then thou Allah" I deal with your ways and actions first and foremost. Show and prove on all knowledge being born, this goes for everybody on the planet earth. What u eat don't make me shit. If u strive to save $, save $. If u strive to attend school next fall, attend school next fall. If u strive to refine your ways, start refining yo shit today!!! Not on Jan'1st. That's how yo word is bond and people will recognize you as being a stand up individual. Peace.
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Thursday, April 28, 2011
Ways to Build/Destroy
Wisdom build/destroy is the "proper way" to add on or take away. The right way! Adding on in a shrewd, sneaky way that is precarious to other individuals is a 10% mind set. Also taking away in a savage impetuous, fit of emotional rage isn't right an exact neither. Ur justice(10) will depend on the correct course of action taken. The only one who can determine that action, is u that 1. The foundation of all decision making derives from you. Doctors, nurses, ministers and cremators all look to undermine, scare and deter the proper way to build/destroy. Understanding these 4 devil heads that are constantly in place should be second nature which is wisdom from prior situations. So, building should be fact driven. Peace.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Congrads Zya!!!!
I feel a sense of joy I never felt before. Proud beyond the english definition (or any other language for that matter.) Today It was manifested to me that one of my young moons (Zya) has won a writing essay on the 7 Martin Luther King Jr. And she is the recipient of a $5,000 college fund and a formal honorary dinner. As today mathematics is wisdom cipher abbt wisdom I see my ways and actions manifested in my seeds and they use the way(2) they been taught. 20.What are the prescribed laws of Islam to a said person of that ability? (I'll update the answer to my reality today) I'm held responsible for my seeds and I'll be punished by my own iniquity for not doing my duty as a Father to set an example of the true and living 7. The Truth will be manifested by one's seeds on how the said person maintained their square or not. My daughter tells me, daddy I'm a be start just like u. Words are bond and bond is life, I'm truly proud to see the fruits of my labor be manifested on this day of wisdom cipher. PEACE TO THE GODS AND EARTHS!!!!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Cleansing to Grow
Mental and physical cleansing in one word is refinement. Cleaning one's self up exudes to discipline, the will to do better an enhance one's life. Wanting to do better via living better, mind n body has become 85% rhetoric. A lot of talk with no action, knowledge minus the wisdom with no results(understanding). Exercise of one's faculties must be done. Failure to do so will result in sub par performances in one area or another. Don't use it n you lose it. Continue to grow n stay open to new innovative ideas to build n add on.
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Monday, April 4, 2011
Financial Mind set
As we strive to live right and exact from a knowledge of self capacity is it fair to say, most/I fall victim to overkill on the origin/science/mathematical theology and little to none on economic freedom? Allah is master of all worlds! Always vigilant of the devils tricknowology, we as a Nation/people must be conscientious of stocks/bonds/saving/investing etc. To establish our own schools, community centers, clinics etc WE NEED CAPITAL!! I'll go as far to say in order for community/global growth capital is a necessity. A must have. The collective conscious, the same mind set, the people are the nucleus. However we must overstand that there are certain requirements that are needed. So, I encourage all to get familiar with finances via investing,networking,saving etc. I have begun already........ Peace.
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
"Allah comes in his own good time"
We as individuals learn, achieve and accomplish goals at our own pace(in most scenarios.) Some of us are nation 8 while others are 8 abroad. Neither one is greater then the other. Our duty is to add on in our own unique way that is consistent with our 4. Some of us are visibly seen in the community while others are adding own with 3 to 4 youths in a mentor, big brother/sister capacity. Again, one is no better then the other, this isn't a competition, this is individuals adding own in different capacities that are for the same goal. Now, for the ones who don't add on let's not admonish them. Understanding born degree speaks on "Allah comes in his own good time." As long as the teachings of the 4 are followed, said people we 8 accordingly. We all come in our own good time. Peace,
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Trees vs The Forest
Some things or I'll even go out on a limb and say, in most occasions, what a said person is "searching" for is right in plain view up under their noses. Ex: some people say they're "searching" for God to be saved, blessed etc. Well "searching" for God in the sky will leave one unfulfilled in their lifetime.
"SEARCHING FOR THAT, THAT DOES NOT EXIST." Like striving to love somebody that just does "LIKE" yo ass like that. Cool to have some laughs with but that's it. The answers are there, some just choose to live in a tunnel and deal with mysterious spookism. Hoping, wishing and praying. As the true and living, scientific and factual data should always be the goal to an conclusion. Do knowledge only implies scrutiny of details. So in closing, there' s no difference between the trees and forest for they are the same. So stop saying that your searching for the forest while u stare at the trees. There the same thing McFly!!! Peace,
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"SEARCHING FOR THAT, THAT DOES NOT EXIST." Like striving to love somebody that just does "LIKE" yo ass like that. Cool to have some laughs with but that's it. The answers are there, some just choose to live in a tunnel and deal with mysterious spookism. Hoping, wishing and praying. As the true and living, scientific and factual data should always be the goal to an conclusion. Do knowledge only implies scrutiny of details. So in closing, there' s no difference between the trees and forest for they are the same. So stop saying that your searching for the forest while u stare at the trees. There the same thing McFly!!! Peace,
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Friday, March 11, 2011
Undetected Dependency
Root word of dependency is to be dependent: depend; Relying on something or someone for support or aid. Common consensus in the general public is most people "CLAIM" to be independent. However powerful this sounds and seems to be, this isn't always the case.
Independent means to be totally self- sufficient as a individual entity. How is this capable when one needs resources and viable networks to grow and develop especially in terms of economics/finances? Interdependent is to be mutually dependent. Equality amongst both parties. Working together. Payment for services rendered. Providing a service. Concise 8 on the differences of dependent/independent and interdependent. This true dependent falls into selective amnesia and people "THINK" they're independent as in achieving everything by themselves. We all need resources and networks to excel to the next level.
The point of emphasis is to exercise equality and build amongst both parties where both sides stand to gain mutually. Peace,
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Independent means to be totally self- sufficient as a individual entity. How is this capable when one needs resources and viable networks to grow and develop especially in terms of economics/finances? Interdependent is to be mutually dependent. Equality amongst both parties. Working together. Payment for services rendered. Providing a service. Concise 8 on the differences of dependent/independent and interdependent. This true dependent falls into selective amnesia and people "THINK" they're independent as in achieving everything by themselves. We all need resources and networks to excel to the next level.
The point of emphasis is to exercise equality and build amongst both parties where both sides stand to gain mutually. Peace,
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Thursday, March 10, 2011
"Different Schools of Thought"
5%,Christian,Muslim,Moor,Hebrew,Buddhist or whatever your/the title maybe, isn't the overall goal to find God, to know God, find the way to divinity? I cee civility and righteousness being a major component that all schools of thought have in common. We can agreed to disagree that the Original Man is God and God is the mysterious one in the sky. Other major facets are uplifting people, showing examples of alternative ways to make a living other then devilishment and being a model parent to your children just to name a few. Right is right and wrong is wrong regardless to whom or what. Resources via networking for one common cause "should" be the nucleus for the em betterment of the future(children). The next generation (our kids) will look in retrospect to what did we do to stay the course and pave the streets of success as smooth as possible. Arguing about who's God is truth is redundant and asinine. I'll remain the true and living and you can continue worshiping your God in the sky, let's focus on the babies. Separation is a prelude to devil(ishment). Peace,
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Proverbial Handouts!
Original people (especially in the hood) have this aura that they're owed some kind of retribution for slavery/jim crow/injustices. Which I concur the foundation of the sentiments however, this shouldn't become a crouch and or excuse for individual(s) failures and underachieving life styles. This isn't a 8 on riches($), this is a 8 on perseverance and the dedication to succeed. The discipline to rise above the status quo of what a nigga is suppose to do and be regardless to whom or what is the goal. So yes, if financial aide, in any form, is "truly" needed by all means use the system for what it is intended for. Just be cautious of the complacency that creeps it's ugly head in subconsciously. Do for self and know that handouts are fools gold, for someone else is pulling the proverbial strings! Peace,
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Sunday, March 6, 2011
Condescending Advice
Proper "conducive" communication I cee as wise words being spoken(wisdom). To 8 on a said subject in the content of the duty of a civilize person is to teach he/she who is a savage, belittling with condescending advice is little to no help to awaking the 85%. Our objective is not to admonish the uncivilized, it is to make 1 9 in a productive way. Yea I know, we are not babysitting grown-ass people. True that, still bare in mind the communication has to have 6 to be a productive tool. The 8 degree in the actual facts is Sound travels @ the rate of 1,120 ft per second. The voice(communication) builds or destroys depending on the usage of the verbiage deliver. Peace,
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Friday, March 4, 2011
"En focar"
Stay the course! Staying focus is easier said then done. The saying has become cliché. Staying "I'm focused" is reinforcing a said person to be on point, has his/hers shit together, not slipping. However we know this is far from the truth in most cases. The general public is anything b.u.t focused. 24th degree in the 1-40 speaks on a determined idea. That is the epitome of focus, determined!!! The way to a righteous culture is to knowledge the equality in the cipher. This focus mind state is a well oiled practiced mind state. A high quality of focusness is to do the knowledge. Paying attention to details, finding the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Look, listen and observe attentively. Peace
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Thursday, March 3, 2011
Useful Land
Useful land is actual n allegorical. The utilization of something useful would entail adding on. Useful resources are critical in the progression of a project,movement etc. The reference to land could also mean any cipher;person,place or thing. Proper application of delegating is an art. As we know only a portion of our brain capacity is used for daily functions. That would be an example of "under" utilizing that particular useful land. The goal is to consistently elevate, growth and development. Cultivation of that useful land is paramount. Cultivate means to prepare and care for; "TO DEVELOPE THE POSSIBILITIES OF!" So the useful land must be prepare with diligence(care) to use. And this preparation will enhance a favorable result. Peace,
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